10 Best Tips To Win Almost Every Rank Match in Mobile Legends Bang Bang

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Hey Guys, today I will give you 10 best tips to win almost every Rank Match in Mobile Legends and get Mythic tier even if you are just a single player. I know it is very hard to push rank as a single player but don't worry just follow the tips.

10 Best Tips To Win Almost Every Rank Match in Mobile Legends:

1. Know Your Role:

It is very important that you know what your role is, if you are an Assassin or a Mage you should focus the squishy opponents and skip Tanks.
When you are a Marksman you should know where is the best place for you not to be killed immediately. For the Tanks you should always be with your teammates, don't be solo because the defense of the team depends on you.

2. Use Meta Heroes:

It is important to know what heroes are meta and how to use them. Because you have a big chance of winning when you or your team can use meta heroes. And as of today, the meta heroes are Lunox, Harith, Khufra, Esmarelda, Claude, Chou, Guinivere, Gusion, etc.

3. Know-How To Rotate Properly in The Game:

I'm sad because it is one of the reasons why we always lose.
With the right rotation, you can easily anticipate the opponent's motion and cover the entire map immediately.

4. Don't Kill Just Push:

Most players today are purely killers especially to the Assassins. I know that is your role but the most important is the objectives. You just win the game when you break the enemy base.
Keep in mind guys, that don't kill only you just need to push Turrets.

5. Always Check The Connection:

This is really the most important thing. Because no matter how good your skills are if your Internet is not stable. It will be worthless. So, don't forget to check your Internet connection before you start playing Rank Match.

6. Don't Play Again After Losing Two Games Continuously:

Don't play again after you lose two matches continuously. Because there is a huge chance of losing again.
Just exit the game and go get some drinks or walk outside to refresh your mind and body.

7. Don't Use Low Win Rate Heroes in Rank Match:

When you use a hero with a high win rate it increases your winning chance by 15%. So, I recommend playing classic matches to increase the hero win rate.

8. Ignore The Trash Talkers:

There is always some peoples who just trash talks in-game, even in Mythic tier. I don't know why do they do it. Just ignore them and pay attention to the game.

9. Skip Chatting:

It takes time when you type a message, in this time enemies can harm Turrets and to your teammates. So, always try to skip chatting.

10. Use Voice Chat:

Using voice chat you can tell your teammates what to do. The advantage of voice chat is it doesn't take extra time like typing a message.

Guys, these were my 10 tips to win almost every rank match. If you follow all the tips properly I hope you will win almost every match. You can watch the following video..

That's all for today, see you in the next post. Happy Gaming ☺

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